Customer Information

  • OK First Name is required
  • Optional OK Middle Initial is required
  • OK Last Name is required
  • OK Social Security Number is required
  • OK Date of Birth is required
  • OK Email is required
  • Optional OK Mother's Maiden Name is required

Address Information

  • OK Street is required
  • OK City is required
  • OK State is required
  • OK Zip is required
  • OK Phone is required

Account Information

    Please tell us the account number this card should access

  • OK Primary is required
  • Optional OK Other is required
  • Opt in to MasterCard® Account Updater? Mastercard® account updater will automatically apply any recurring debit card charges from your previous debit card (if any) to your new card.

    OK Opt in to MasterCard® Account Updater? Mastercard® account updater will automatically apply any recurring debit card charges from your previous debit card (if any) to your new card. is required
  • Do you want to enroll into text alerts for denied transactions (your phone plan may have data charges apply)?

    OK Do you want to enroll into text alerts for denied transactions (your phone plan may have data charges apply)? is required
  • Optional OK Additional Comments is required

Security Code

  • OK is required

    By clicking submit below, I am applying for a Washington Savings Bank Debit or ATM Card. I understand the Debit Card is not a credit card and that the dollar amount of the purchases made with this card will be deducted from my Washington Savings Bank deposit account only. I authorize Washington Savings Bank to verify the information provided above and to request a credit report if necessary. The Washington Savings Bank Debit Card is available for qualified customers only. Other requirements may apply. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions covered in the appropriate Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement. I certify receipt of the Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure found the online banking service.

    I certify receipt of the Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure.

  • OK Type your name here as your signature is required
  • OK Mother's Maiden name or Account Code is required
  • This document is being secured using SSL encryption provided by your browser. Your information will be encrypted when using this form while in transit between your browser and Washington Savings Bank.